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What Makes Us Better

Autani saves you money

Autani’s building control systems and energy management solutions automatically save you money year-over-year. Our building controls blend with existing technologies to create efficiencies that allow the systems to pay for themselves quickly and easily.

Autani unlocks insights

Autani’s management software goes far beyond standard cost savings. It can unlock insights into your customer behaviors, space utilization and optimization, as well as create comfort engineered spaces that are in tune with the needs of the building users.

Autani saves costs on installation

Autani systems are wireless, which means that installation is simple and efficient compared to wired solutions. The Autani Commissioning application dramatically reduces commissioning time for large-scale projects.

Autani Tiers

Easy upgrades = Best rebates available

The Autani system is built with upgrades in mind. Our easy upgrade path means that regardless of which tier is installed, you qualify for the most advanced lighting control system rebate available.

Autani is open platform, so it works with everyone

By keeping our building energy management systems open platform it means that Autani can provide diverse solutions for all customers now and into the future. Your solution won't be locked into a single vendor.

Autani scales to your needs

Even after adding two new facilities and a new roller coaster, our propane and electric bills have still decreased, and we’ve seen reduced maintenance costs as well. The control EnergyCenter gives us saves a lot of manpower and makes saving energy easy. It’s a great tool to have.

Theme Park Facilities Supervisor, Central US

Why now?

The sooner that you get started the more you mitigate the opportunity cost of waiting. Talk to one of our representatives in your area to find out more.

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