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EnergyCenter Software

Product Documents

EnergyCenter software integrates any combination of lighting, metering, HVAC / environmental, and sensor applications into a single management platform.

EnergyCenter delivers an easy-to-use web-based interface that provides local or remote access for programming, monitoring, and controlling energy consumption with a single building or across an entire portfolio. Featuring ready access to real-time energy consumption data, EnergyCenter makes it easy to evaluate system performance, provide measurement and verification data to utility companies, and optimize energy use.

Powerful yet easy-to-use, EnergyCenter software also supports integration with other systems such as BACnet, MODBUS and Tridium Niagara AX. Additionally, EnergyCenter supports Keilton BLE devices, select certified Zigbee HA devices, and select certified EnOcean devices.

As a fully customizable solution, EnergyCenter software allows facilities to choose which area(s) of energy consumption to manage. If desired, other areas can be seamlessly integrated as needed.

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